Chair's message to members - 15 July 2019

Dear Member or Supporter

This coming weekend sees the effective launch of the campaign to Remain in the great European Peace project. If we all rally round in support, if the march develops into a campaign that all would wish to continue to support, then March for Change on 20 July has the potential to alter the dynamics of British politics and re-energise us all. I am so looking forward to Saturday.

I hope to see as many as possible of you there, though I know some of you will be away on pre-booked holidays. They are looking for volunteers to help on the day.

At the grassroots, campaigners have always wanted to speak out for Remain. People have - in some cases reluctantly - accepted the need to campaign for the referendum as the mechanism for doing so: the People's Vote (Let us be Heard march on 12 October, building on yesterday's London regional rally in Uxbridge).  The belief that one should de-associate PV from Remain means that the national campaign is at best an anti-Brexit campaign, focussed on the harms of Brexit: a re-run of Project Fear. So we have now devoted a year to campaigning for a process. It's a bit like trying to persuade someone to go on holiday with you by emphasising the opportunity to spend time in the departure lounge at Gatwick.

Now, an explicitly Remain campaign means we can make a hopeful and positive call to stay in the EU. That should reach more people - and so also boost the case for a referendum.

Especially if you cannot attend the march, do please donate and do sign the petition. Understandably, given the timing, its text is still focused on the harms of Brexit. The other messages on the March's website are also not quite the resonant pro-EU messages that I would wish. But I am hopeful that the national Remain campaign will soon find its voice and focus on the positives of the EU as a collective project to which we contribute, as well as the national and individual benefits of our membership.

So our work as campaigners will be more worthwhile. We can look forward to the energising support from a national campaign for Remain to complement the work of the People's Vote campaign. An aim and a method for achieving it. We do need both to make it work. And we need to work for both to ensure that both campaigns succeed.




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