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Committee - London 4 Europe

London4Europe Committee

The London4Europe Committee is elected by London4Europe members at the Annual General Meeting. The last AGM was held on 14 June 2023.

All Committee members are volunteers who give up their time to help support London4Europe and wider European Movement UK initiatives. The Committee is made of passionate pro-Europeans from different professional backgrounds and a range of political persuasions.

The Committee meets virtually once per month to discuss London4Europe and wider activities.

Your Committee needs to know what you are thinking and how you are feeling!


London4Europe (L4E) Committee, elected at the Annual General Meeting 14 June 2023:

Jo Pye is the current Chair of London4Europe. Her mantra is "Our EM Supporters are our gold dust" and, since joining L4E in 2019 as the (then) L4E Volunteer Coordinator, she has served a term as the London Region Members' Representative on the EM National Council and continues, as a member of the L4E Committee, to encourage, widen and support our pool of activists. For Jo, there is no hierarchy of activism; all activity is significant from remembering to renew our membership, through spreading the pro-EU message to friends and family, letter-writing, blogging, tweeting, leafletting to street stalling, EURO Cafes and, where practical, marching. We all do what we can. She is an Anglo-Italian, multi-lingual campaigner. Not surprisingly, she is also involved in several national pro-European and civil society grassroots movements, all of which support each other in their breadth of activity and permit cross-campaigning collaborations. She welcomes all feedback at [email protected]

Nick Hopkinson is a current Vice-chair, Treasurer and Blog Editor of London4Europe. He is also one of the four current London Region Branch Representatives on the EM National Council. With a long track record of activism within the European Movement nationally and locally, he continues to writes about Brexit and tweets regularly @London4Europe. During his 23 year career at Wilton Park, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office’s policy forum, he served as Director. He specialises in all aspects of the Brexit process and European Union policies. Contact: [email protected] Twitter: @NickHopkinsonEU 

Andy Pye is the continuing Secretary of London4Europe and London4Europe Nationbuilder administrator. His main centres of activity currently comprise coordinating the L4E Strategy project, the L4E webinar programme ((The Fourth Thursday Club) and is chairing the national Erasmus+ Alliance. In his spare time(!), he is a professional editor and technical writer serving UK manufacturing industry for nearly 40 years. He sees, first hand, the damage Brexit is doing to our key economic sectors. Additionally, as a volunteer, he runs a successful multi-sport Youth Coaching & Development Project in Greenwich and Lewisham and plays cricket for the Kent Over 60s.

David Barrett - new Committee Member at 2023

Peter Benson is already well-known as a founder member of Thank EU for the Music. He is active in pro-European grassroots groups and is a member of the National Rejoin March organising team. His diverse collaborations widen the scope of our L4E range of activities.

Steven Brooks - new Committee Member at 2023

Leo Capella is an autistic job coach for a national autism charity in the UK who has won awards both professionally and as a union representative in the autism and wider disability fields. By night or on his day off, he is an active member of the European Movement in London, participating in national EM events on our behalf. In his own words "when not zombified", he does "the odd bit of poetry, beta reviewing and hopefully some serious writing as well as volunteering around autism, disability and getting Britain back into the European Union, (please!)". 

Andrew Conway is another committee member who is also the current Branch Chair for City and East London. He uses every opportunity to engage his local community in pro-European activity. He is also taking an active interest in L4E collaborations with other pro-European organisations to build the networking.

Nick Heenan - committee member (from 2022)

Amanda Jacobs, apart from acting as one of L4E and EM Diversity Advisors, is also a current London Region's Members' Representative on the EM National Council where she, now, additionally, serves as a member of the newly constituted EM Audit Committee.

Peter Jenkins - committee member (from 2022)

George Kilaiditis - new Committee Member at 2023 and new L4E Volunteer Coordinator (contact: [email protected]).

Richard Newcombe was the recent past Chair of London4Europe. During his four years as Chair, coinciding with the challenging years since the referendum, Richard built strong links with the Young European Movement (YEM) and pro-Europe groups across London. Richard joined The European Movement on hearing that a referendum would be held and gave talks at local schools and gurdwaras as well as manning street stalls during the campaign for a People's Vote. He is currently the Chair of Waltham Forest EM Group and regularly attends EM's Branches' Forum. After spending over 30 years as a maths teacher, deputy and acting headteacher in an East London mixed multicultural comprehensive school Richard was elected as a local councillor in the Labour Party. In his nine years at the London Borough of Redbridge he experienced involvement in many aspects of local government and became the cabinet member for Children’s Services.                                                                  
Alison Niman - our L4E Minute Secretary since autumn 2022. New Committee Member at 2023. She is organising our current L4E Webinar Series (The Fourth Thursday Club) and is also taking an active interest in L4E collaborations with other pro-European organisations to build the networks.

Richard Stevens - new Committee Member at 2023

Stephen Stretton - new Committee Member at 2023

Ben Wakeham - Committee Member (2022)