Back a referendum once the deal has been voted down

London4Europe Committee member Michael Romberg provides a model letter, with additional material from London4Europe Vice-Chair Nick Hopkinson.

If you do just one thing to Stop Brexit, please write (even if again) to your MP in the run-up to the Meaningful Vote. We assume, but cannot be sure, May’s miserable deal will be voted down as will Jeremy Corbyn’s attempt to call a general election. If so, MPs who have loyally supported the Government will need to make up their own minds about what comes next. That is our opportunity. The ways to influence them are outlined here

If you live in Orpington or Putney you can write more briefly just supporting your MP’s stance.

The model letter contains some core paragraphs to make the case for a referendum. It also has some optional text depending on your MP’s stance and the position of their constituency. You can find out some useful information in this article on where your MP stands

You can obtain an idea of their voting record by clicking here.

The more you can personalise your letter the better. The contact details of your MP can be found by entering your postcode here.

Or you can look them up on the Parliament website, also a source of useful information.

If you can manage to get in to see your MP in person  – that would be even better.


Articles on this page reflect the views of the author and not necessarily of London4Europe






It is widely expected that Theresa May’s Brexit deal will be defeated in the House of Commons later this month. You will then need to decide what is best for our country. I ask you to back a referendum on the terms of Brexit with the option to Remain (People’s Vote).

Whatever your own view on Brexit, the case for a referendum is clear. In 2016, the Leave campaign did not have a plan. The Government has implemented the mandate from 2016 by creating a plan, but one which was never actually agreed. Now that plan needs to be reviewed. It is not likely to obtain the overwhelming support of the House of Commons. Nor would any other plan under discussion: not leaving without a deal, not a Canada FTA, not Norway Plus, not Jeremy Corbyn’s. No plan will match the conflicting promises made by Leave campaigners in 2016.

So the same electorate which mandated the launch of the process should consider whether it is happy with the Brexit deal achieved and decide what happens next. A referendum in 2019 would ask a different question from 2016; it would not be a re-run. We now all know so much more than we did in 2016. Electors could either give an informed consent to a Brexit plan; or they could decide to stay in the EU.

Since it would be the same people as had made the decision in 2016 there can be no “betrayal” as some opponents of a referendum claim. The people cannot betray themselves.

Opinion polls show that the national mood has now clearly moved to Remaining in the EU. You will no doubt have seen the most recent November polling from Best for Britain which shows   INSERT NUMBER HERE  % support in your constituency for Remain and  INSERT NUMBER HERE    % support for a People's Vote. 

Taking forward any Brexit in those circumstances without a further popular vote on the plan would be immensely divisive. [IF TRUE: Your constituency voted Remain in 2016  *OR*    IF TRUE Your constituency voted Leave in 2016 but opinion polls suggest that it has moved to Remain. IF TRUE: The local borough council has called for a People’s Vote. So a decision to give people the chance to vote in a referendum would be popular with your constituents.]

I ask that in the Parliamentary votes you support a referendum on the terms with the option to Remain.

Yours sincerely




{Give your full name and street address so that they know that you live in the constituency. If you don’t live there but for example run a business there then explain your connexion.}