DEBUG: event
National Rejoin March II
23 September, 2023 at 12pm - 4pm
London supporters to meet at L4E Banner at Marble Arch Tube Station (not Achilles Statue)
London, England
United Kingdom
Google map and directions

L4E is supporting the National Rejoin March on Saturday, 23 September 2023. Please visit the March website for full details and to volunteer as a steward or first aider.

There will be a group of L4E Supporters assembling around 11:30 at entrance to Marble Arch Tube Station to march behind our banner. Not at Statue of Achilles, as previously advertised.

Arranging Marches costs thousands of £s! Please donate as you feel able. Or invest in some memorabilia and merchandise. It all helps and every penny is accounted for and all accounts transparent.

It's going to be a great and memorable day.

Jo Pye
Member of NRM II Team

stephen smith Sarah Cowley
stephen smith
Sarah Cowley

Will you come?

Showing 3 reactions

stephen smith
rsvped 2023-09-20 00:33:55 +0100
Sarah Cowley
rsvped 2023-09-13 14:16:05 +0100
Josephine Pye
published this page in Events 2023-07-16 15:21:38 +0100