Write now to the Council to call for a referendum on the terms of Brexit

London4Europe Committee member Michael Romberg writes.

On Thursday 10 January 2019, the Court of Common Council of the City of London - the local authority responsible for the historic square mile that is the centre of the financial services industry - will consider a motion “This Court supports the holding of a referendum on the terms of Britain’s exit from the European Union with the electorate being given a choice that includes remaining in the European Union". The full agenda is here.

Please write to your member of the Common Council in support. In the City there is still the business vote. So feel free to write to your Council member if you live or work in the City or you have some other real connexion with the City.

A draft letter is below. The more you can personalise it to reflect your own views and circumstances the better.

City Council Members do not normally represent political parties.

The resolution has been put down by Sir Mark Boleat and twelve other Council Members. Their names are at the end of the resolution. So if they or some of them are your Council members you can write a much shorter letter, referencing their putting forward the motion – they do not need to be persuaded, but they do need to know that they have support.

You can find the address of your Council Member here.

Some of you have already written calling for a motion to be put down. If so I encourage you to write again, now that a resolution has actually been tabled.

The Mayor of London and the London Assembly have already called for a referendum. If you wish to know which are the 14 London boroughs that have passed motions in favour of a People's Vote you can read the roll of honour here.


Blogs on this page reflect the views of the author and not necessarily of London4Europe.





 Dear Member of the Court of Common Council,

 I ask that at the meeting on 10 January 2019 you support the motion calling for a referendum on the terms of Brexit with the option to Remain.

{EXPLAIN YOUR CONNEXION WITH THE CITY, EG WHICHEVER IS TRUE: I write as a resident of the City/ I work in the City/ as an employee of a [bank] that is based in the City/ I am an appointed voter in City elections for my business or organisation}

The case for a people’s vote is simple. Everyone reviews their intentions in the light of new information. Since 2016 we have all learned a great deal about the EU and about Britain’s place in it and in the world. We have seen the promises of Brexiters evaporate and the Government struggle to put together a plan. Now, for the first time, we know what Brexit means. Opinion polls show a persistent lead in favour of Remaining in the EU.

The same people who in 2016 voted for Brexit-the-idea should be given the chance to decide whether they like Brexit-the-plan. That would not be a repeat of the 2016 vote. It would be the next question in the series. As with the management of any project, there is always the possibility not to go with the draft plan; so to Remain in the EU is an option. Since the same people as had launched the process would get to decide on its future progress a referendum would be democratic.

We need to be clear that going with the Government’s Brexit plan would not end uncertainty for the country, the City or the financial services industry. Instead, the next two to four years would bring a difficult negotiation with the EU about the framework for future relations. Nor do the present arrangements allow for any implementation period at the end of the present transition period. So business faces more years of uncertainty and the risk of a cliff edge.

The Mayor of London, the London Assembly and fourteen London boroughs have called for a referendum on the terms of Brexit. A decision now by the Court of Common Council would carry great weight, especially as it will be the last chance for London to speak before the Meaningful Vote in Parliament in the following week.

I therefore call on you to vote for the call that the people can give their informed consent to the Brexit decision – whether to stay in the EU or to Leave – by means of a referendum. Please back the Common Council Motion.

Yours sincerely



{Give your name and the street address in the City of your home or place of work so that they know your connexion with the City}